Understanding 8: Extrinsic Motivation Produces Short Term Results

We continue to use extrinsic motivators because they work: they achieve short-term results. But in the long-term they destroy internal motivation, produce animosity toward the teacher, and develop a habit for low-level, reactive thinking within students.

“Extrinsic rewards can positively impact student behavior, but only for short periods of time. Over time, larger and larger rewards are needed; when the reward is removed, the desired behavior is often extinguished… Blame is then placed on the person providing the reward…” –from Transforming Climate & Culture the CHARACTERplus Way

  1. What’s the Secret Sauce to a Great Educational Game? by Annie Murphy Paul
  2. Do We Need to Gamify Learning or Re-Learnify Gaming? by Mike Connell
  3. Brain’s ‘Reward’ Center Also Responds to Bad Experiences from Science Daily

Doing what we can over the long haul: “Stones in the River” from Center for Courage & Renewal on Vimeo.